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Terms and Conditions

Definition & Interpretation

  • All agreement: “Customer”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website.
  • Accepting the Company terms and conditions. “ARTATIX”, “Platform Provider”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, refers to our Company.
  • “Member”, ”Event Creator”, ”Committee”, dan “They” refers to our Client who using the Platform to create, held, and sell their event.
  • “Buyer” refers to individual and/or legal entity who buy ticket in our platform.
  • “Site” refers to artatix.co.id managed and owned by ARTATIX.
  • “Event” refers to an activity that is commercial or non-commercial in nature organized by the Event Creator who uses our Platform services to support the events activities.
  • “Artatix.co.id” refers to the service we provide for you Event Creators in the form of providing a platform to support Events that makes it easy to use technology for Event Creators to create, market, sell and/or distribute events independently, where these services may change from time to time based on our own policy.
  • "Service Fee" means service fees in return to us for our services or service products, including but not limited to providing a Platform to support your Event, whether in the form of money, percentages or services that can be assessed, which we determine from time to time based on our policy.

General requirements

  • If there is a conflict or inconsistency between the terms that we have agreed with the user, Platform provider will decide which terms is applied.
  • This understanding is applied when you and event manager using our platform (selling ticket, edit event, manage event, download participant data, edit participant data, and buy ticket).
  • In addition to these Terms of Use and are dependent on the service chosen by you, you have to read and accept the terms may be will be valid for its services.
  • ARTATIX will notify and publish the amendment through the platform (notification and email). Event manager MUST read carefully. When the terms are applied, we assume event creator have known the amendment and have to obey the terms.
  • All ticket reservation by customer for the event which is held by event creator, is a separate agreement with this terms and condition. We are just event support who provide the platform for event creator, while all ticket are sold in this platform are the property of the Event Creator. We are not including in order to take responsible when there is dispute, claims of rights, asking for compensation, death because of attending event and all of the rights directly or indirectly which it caused by event creator.
  • Event creator understands and agrees that ARTATIX does not provide any guarantee in any way for the success of the event organizer, whether in the form of ticket sales or the smooth running of the event. Event creator hereby frees and releases ARTATIX and bears all forms of demands, lawsuits, requests, losses, claims, and/or any form of replacement of rights by any party including the Event Creator himself arising from including but not limited to ticket sales proceeds and organizing events.
  • We urge customers not to publish their own electronic ticket to everyone at any place or platform.
  • Participants agreed to free Event Platform and Event Creator from every Indictment in case of Force Majeure (Earthquake, Flood, Volcano, Tsunami, Pandemic and/or Epidemic, Declaration of War, War, Terrorism).

Our Type of Client

Event Creator
  • Event creator has taken an understanding with us before held the event, and all of the points is non-excuse-able except there is an amendment which is agreed by both sides.
  • Event creator only publish event with our knowledge that contain something which is not against the law.
  • If there is a dispute or the event is against the law, we are not responsible with the customer at all of the transactions.
  • Event creator willing not to make events that are against the law or contain racism.
  • Event creator is willing to inform participant if they cancel the on going event and we have no responsible with the sum of money that has been sent or transferred to the event creator bank account.

Personal Information

We collect any customer information for event needs. Every information we’ve collected, will we keep securely to protect our customer satisfaction and customer protection. We will never sell any data or customer information to others (platform, vendor, etc), we use the information only to get improve in our product includes features and services. Customer only give the information who needs by event creator to verified the ticket data. There is the following terms about the customer information:
  • We only collect customer information such us name, email, birth of date, gender, identity number, phone number, and other that’s needed by event creator.
  • We will protect your data with all of our power, knowledge, and commitment.
  • We only collect customer information to improve the quality of our products including features and services.
  • We will take a low force to the event manager who break our memorandum or our terms.
  • We will never sell any data to third party or someone who needs that data which is out of our memorandum or terms.
  • We ensure your data will we keep safely. We will improve our technology to the advance technology that protect your data from malware or the like. We restrict any information request.
  • Your password is used to login into your account. Keep your password carefully and try to make common password. We suggest you to use combination alphabet and number or any special character.
  • We use standard encryption to ensure your transaction and your data is keep safely.
  • We urge you to not doing anything that danger your own account, such us post your QR Code or any personal information.
  • We are not allowed to send spam, spyware, malware and the like to others mail. We concern about this case and will take force of law or take legal action to deter the perpetrators.
  • We can receive data or personal information from third party that they are using our platform such as vendor, event manager or event organizer, and the like. Every memorandum and terms have been written and signature by each side.

Cookies & Property Rights

We employ the use of cookies. By using ARTATIX website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with ARTATIX privacy policy. Most of the modern-day interactive web sites use cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting. Some of our affiliate / advertising partners may also use cookies.

Property Rights
Artatix and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights to all material on Artatix. All intellectual property rights are protected. You can view and/or print pages from artatix.co.id for personal use. You are subject to the limitations set forth in these terms and conditions.
  • Event creator as an event holder can’t exploit the user’s data for personal or organizational benefit without our permission.
  • User are prohibited to copy, modificate, or make derivative works based on this platform.
  • User are prohibited to copy, modify, or transfer the e-ticket without understanding from us and event manager.
  • Event creator is not allowed to ask more data from customer without our permission and knowledge.
  • User are not allowed using phishing, robot, spider, or any kind of virus to take personal benefit or something which is against the law by using our name (company name, domain, event name, or company logo).

Refund Policy

This is our refund policy, every purchasing will reach different terms, so read carefuly the terms bellow:
  • All customers’ ticket has had bought can’t be refunded.
  • Refund only for customers’ who has trouble in payment process such as the bank system is under maintenance or error.
  • We urge you to not sell your own ticket to others. Every problem which is caused by that activity is out of our responsible.
  • If you want to sell your own ticket, you should make a confirmation first to Event Creator or Us.
  • We could refund your money if you have proof of transaction. If don’t, we couldn’t.
  • Proof of transaction could be transfer receipt or account mutation.
  • Every Refund that its caused by Force Majeure, will be managed by Event Creator. The provisions in force are the property of second parties (Event Creator), this is out of our responsibility.

Disclaimer and Domicile of Law

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website (including, but not limited to, any warranty established by law that comes with quality that meets the quality , fitness for purpose, and / or reasonable use of care and skills). Nothing in this disclaimer will:
  • Event creator has taken an understanding with us before held the event, and all of the points is non-excuse-able except there is an amendment which is agreed by both sides.
  • Event creator only publish event with our knowledge that contain something which is not against the law.
  • If there is a dispute or the event is against the law, we are not responsible with the customer at all of the transactions.
  • Event creator willing not to make events that are against the law or contain racism.
  • Event creator is willing to inform participant if they cancel the on going event and we have no responsible with the sum of money that has been sent or transferred to the event creator bank account.
Every violation or dispute will be committed in the Yogyakarta City District Court. We do not provide any facilities for you, and we will not give you any compensation. Every lawyer you want to defend, we have no intention of being responsible for accommodation. You must agree to this term if you make a transaction on our platform, we cannot accept complaints or illogical reasons that you have not read or disagree about this term. The point is, if you have bought or done a number of transactions, that means you have agreed to these terms.

Terms and Conditions