Series of Program
17:20 - 18:15 | Film Screening Madina
18:15 - 19:00 | Discussion after Screening
Director: Aizhan Kassymbek Kazakhstan · 2023 · 1h 13m · Drama
Language Kazakh Subtitles English
Synopsis Madina is a mother to a two-year-old daughter, a caring sister to her introverted brother, and a loving granddaughter. Living in a winter city by the Caspian Sea, her life is filled with challenges. What hides inside this woman who fights for child support and unravels a terrifying secret about her brother? Disappointment, coldness, and fear abound, but within Madina, there lies the strength, determination, and courage to awaken the sea within, protecting herself and her loved ones from the injustices of a harsh and frigid world.
Key Cast
Madina Akylbekova, Alibek Adiken
Crew Editing: Aidan Sydykbek
DOP: Aigul Nurbulatova
Production Designer: Ayana Nurdinova
Sound: Ilya Gariev Composer: Robert Ziganshin Color Grading: Aidos Zhumurov
Selector’s Statement
“Madina, directed by female director Aizhan Kassymbek from Kazakhstan, tells the story of a single mother who teaches dance during the day and works in a burlesque club at night. The film was shot in winter and such a color scheme was specially chosen (the cinematographer is also a woman, Aigul Nurbulatova) to convey Madina’s inner feeling: the coldness of society, anxiety, social insecurity, a feeling of loneliness. The film also delicately touches on the topic of sexual violence, after which a woman cannot return to normal life for a long time."
— Gulnara Abikeyeva (Kazakhstan), film scholar, President of the Association of Film Critics of Kazakhstan, AFAF24 Selection Committee member
1. Umum
- Alternativa Film Awards & Festival ‘24 adalah festival film gratis yang terbuka untuk umum.
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2. Pemesanan Tiket
- Setiap pengguna dapat memesan tiket secara gratis melalui
- Setiap pengguna dapat memesan satu tiket per sesi film yang dipilih, dan memesan kembali untuk sesi film lainnya.
3. Aturan Screening
- Pemesan tiket diharap hadir maksimal 15 menit sebelum acara.
- Pintu teater akan ditutup 10 menit setelah screening dimulai. Penonton yang datang terlambat tidak akan diizinkan masuk untuk menjaga kenyamanan penonton lainnya.
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4. Penggunaan Tiket
- Tiket yang dipesan hanya berlaku untuk acara dan sesi film yang dipilih.
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5. Perilaku dan Kepatuhan
- Selama acara berlangsung, peserta wajib mengikuti aturan yang berlaku di venue dan arahan dari panitia.
- Tindakan yang dianggap mengganggu, meresahkan, atau melanggar norma akan berakibat pada dikeluarkannya peserta dari venue tanpa toleransi.
6. Privasi dan Penggunaan Data
- Informasi pribadi yang dikumpulkan selama proses pemesanan tiket akan digunakan hanya untuk keperluan manajemen acara dan tidak akan dibagikan kepada pihak ketiga tanpa persetujuan pengguna.
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- Alternativa Film Awards & Festival ‘24 berhak mengubah, menambah, atau menghapus ketentuan ini tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Pembaruan akan diunggah di, dan Anda dianjurkan untuk memeriksanya secara berkala.
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- Alternativa Film Awards & Festival ‘24 tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerugian, cedera, atau kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi selama partisipasi dalam acara ini.
- Partisipasi dalam festival ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggung jawab penonton.
Dengan memesan tiket dan menghadiri Alternativa Film Awards & Festival ‘24, Anda dianggap telah memahami dan menyetujui seluruh ketentuan yang berlaku.
1. General
The Alternativa Film Project is a free film festival open to the public.
Ticket reservations must be made through the platform Tickets are not available through any other means.
2. Ticket Reservations
- Every user can reserve tickets for free through
- Alternativa Film Project does not guarantee ticket availability until the time of the festival if tickets have already been fully booked.
- Each user is only allowed to reserve one ticket per selected film session, unless stated otherwise.
3. Screening Rules
- Ticket holders are expected to arrive no later than 15 minutes before the event.
- The theater doors will be closed 10 minutes after the screening starts. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter in order to ensure the comfort of other attendees.
- Recording during the screening (either video or audio) is strictly prohibited. Violations of this rule will result in legal penalties.
- Food and drinks from outside are not permitted. The organizers have the right to ask attendees to leave any prohibited items in the designated storage areas.
4. Ticket Use
- The reserved ticket is only valid for the event and film session selected.
- Tickets must be presented in digital form and exchanged for a seat number.
5. Behavior and Compliance
- During the event, attendees must follow the rules of the venue and the instructions from the organizers.
- Any disruptive, distressing, or norm-violating behavior may result in the attendee being removed from the venue without tolerance.
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- By participating, you agree that the organizers may document the event, including photos or videos that may involve participants, for the purpose of promotion and publication of future festivals.
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- Alternativa Film Project reserves the right to modify, add, or remove these terms without prior notice. Updates will be uploaded to, and you are encouraged to check them regularly.
8. Limitation of Liability
- Alternativa Film Project is not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage that may occur during participation in this event.
- Participation in the festival is entirely the responsibility of the participant.
- By reserving tickets and attending the Alternativa Film Project, you are considered to have understood and agreed to all applicable terms.